Sheriff's Office

Citizen Advisory Boards

There are eight Citizen Advisory Boards (CABs) within Washoe County representing different geographical areas including Gerlach/Empire, Incline Village/Crystal Bay, North Valleys, Spanish Springs, South Truckee Meadows/Washoe Valley, Sun Valley, Warm Springs/Rural, West Truckee Meadows/Verdi Township. Each CAB consists of appointed citizens residing in the same general neighborhood area. CABs use regularly scheduled meetings to discuss shared community issues, concerns, solutions, and learn about resources available in Washoe County. 

Learn more about Washoe County Citizen Advisory Boards here.

Washoe County Sheriff's Office patrol supervisors periodically attend these meetings to share agency updates, build lines of communication, and to become more aware of the specific concerns and problems within these communities. Contact the Patrol Division here

Access the Quarterly CAB Reports provided by the WCSO below.

Quarterly CAB Reports