The Washoe County Sheriff's Office Forensic Science Division provides forensic services to local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies in 13 of the 17 Nevada counties. The Division is a full-service forensic laboratory staffed by more than 50 individuals and is funded through Washoe County, user agency contracts, and grants. The Breath Alcohol program is supported by a contract with the State of Nevada.
The Division provides forensic and investigative support in a range of scientific disciplines to include Biology (DNA), Breath Alcohol, Controlled Substances, Crime Scene Investigation, Firearms Examination, Latent Print Processing and Comparison, and Toxicology. The Evidence Section houses all of Washoe County Sheriff's Office evidence and evidence submitted to the Forensic Science Division from our user agencies.
The Forensic Science Division is accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB), an independent organization that establishes operating standards and monitors compliance with their standards and ISO/IEC 17025. The Division was established in the mid-1970s and has been accredited since 1994.
Testing scope of accreditation
Calibration scope of accreditation
- Provide major crime scene processing including photography, diagramming, and evidence collection.
- Provide scientific analyses of materials collected during the course of criminal investigations.
- Provide expert witness testimony in order to assist the criminal justice system.
- Provide technical guidance and act as a resource for law enforcement and members of the criminal justice system.
- Provide training to law enforcement investigators in the recognition, collection and preservation of evidence.
- Train and certify law enforcement personnel to perform breath alcohol testing of persons suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol.
- Maintain, operate, and certify evidentiary breath alcohol testing instruments used by law enforcement agencies.
- Process and secure evidence for the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office and evidence submitted for examination by outside agencies.
- Provide professional and timely response to all inquiries through the Front Office.
The Forensic Science Division provides forensic services for law enforcement agencies throughout northern and central Nevada. It is the goal of the Division to meet the testing needs and timelines for these customer agencies and the various court systems and to accomplish this, the Division has established testing policies.
The policies are outlined in the section-specific pages and are intended to establish initial testing parameters to ensure resources are used effectively. It is recognized that extenuating circumstances will occur and deviations from this policy are allowed with the approval of a Section Supervisor or Division Director. Approval will be documented through acceptance of the laboratory service request.
In general, examination requests are prioritized based on a threat to the community, court needs, and when the examination request is received. The Forensic Science Division will decide what method will be utilized based on the customer’s request. Refer to each section for additional information.
The Forensic Science Division maintains the confidentiality of its customers’ information. The division may provide statistical information for public release such as the type and volume of work received, completed, and backlog information. Agency and other identifiable information are removed when material is provided in this manner.
Release of public records is governed by Nevada Revised Statutes.
Request for information or records from the public will be acknowledged within the five (5) business days as mandated by Nevada Revised Statute 239
Click here to submit a Public Records Request.
A report is released to the investigating law enforcement agency when analysis is completed. The Division will provide the appropriate prosecuting office with a copy of the report if an agreement is in place between the laboratory and the agency.
A basic discovery request for the case packet can be completed within one hour at no charge. The typical content of the discovery packet is a copy of the report, case notes, and an electronic chain of custody. Requests for quality control data, procedure manuals, equipment maintenance, or calibration information requires additional time. Time processing discovery requests on the same case will be compounded and any time after the first hour may be charged accordingly.
Discovery information will be provided without notification of the submitting agency. If the appropriate prosecuting agency is not part of the request, the prosecuting agency will be notified prior to the release of information.
Click here to submit a Subpoena for Records
Click here for the Division's Release of Records Policy
The Forensic Science Division contracts with law enforcement agencies to provide forensic and investigative services. Forensic services are available to law enforcement agencies only. Fees to user agencies are offered through annual contracts. The Forensic Science Division offers two contract options: Option A or Option B. The Option A contract is a full-service contract and includes crime scene response. The Option B contract is for laboratory services only. Contract fees are based on the agency’s previous 3-year usage. Toxicology services are not included in contract fees and are invoiced separately.