For Immediate Release
Washoe County Sheriff's Office Alerting Residents to Recent Phone Scam Impersonating Law Enforcement
Washoe County Sheriff's Office
Office: 775-328-6336
Cell: 775-895-0027
The Washoe County Sheriff's Office would like residents to be aware that our office has recently received an increased number of reports about a local phone scam in which scammers are impersonating Sheriff's Office personnel to fraudulently obtain money from innocent victims.
Scammers, identifying themselves as law enforcement officers, call unsuspecting victims and inform them that they have either failed to appear for jury duty or have an outstanding citation or warrant and then demand payment from them. In some instances, scammers may even manipulate the caller ID to make it look like the call is coming from a local law enforcement agency, the Sheriff’s Office, or 911, to appear legitimate.
To help combat this scam, we would like to remind our community that the Washoe County Sheriff's Office will never contact you seeking personal or financial information, nor will we ever ask you for any form of payment over the phone.
If anyone asks for such information, please terminate the phone call immediately and report any information you have about the caller to your local law enforcement agency. If you have questions regarding a citation or warrant, please contact the courts or local law enforcement directly.
To avoid falling victim to scams and fraud, it is important to stay updated about the constantly evolving tactics used by fraudsters. For helpful tips to protect yourself and your loved ones, visit:
The Washoe County Sheriff's Office is dedicated to preserving a safe and secure community with professionalism, respect, integrity and the highest commitment to equality. Sheriff Darin Balaam is the 27th person elected to serve as the Sheriff of Washoe County since the Office was created in 1861. The Washoe County Sheriff's Office strives to ensure public safety by building trust and creating partnerships within the diverse communities in which we serve. We will promote the dignity of all people supported by our words and actions through open communication while fostering an environment of professionalism, integrity and mutual respect.