For Immediate Release
PR #: | 1800100 |
Date Issued: | Sep 28, 2018 - 11:35am |
Washoe County Sheriff's Office honors the heroic and the extraordinary during annual awards ceremony |
CONTACT: | Bob Harmon Washoe County Sheriff's Office Office 775-785-6235 Cell 775-722-5517 |
"At the heart and soul of public safety you will find extraordinary people," Washoe County Sheriff Chuck Allen said in reference to his Office's annual awards ceremony held last night.
"The stories behind these awards reflect the spectrum of services we provide as well as the variety of challenges faced by those who have committed their lives to serving the public," Sheriff Allen said. "From going the extra mile to create efficiencies that allow us to better serve our public, to taking action, when needed, to protect the lives of those who rely on us for their safety, each of these actions have a common thread in that they were undertaken without thought of being here today to receive an award - however, they do deserve to be publicly recognized."
In total, this year the Sheriff's Office Awards Committee awarded 23 Certificates of Commendation, two Distinguished Service Medals, three Sheriff's Stars, four Lifesaving Medals, 22 Bronze Stars, and one Medal of Valor.
Some of those honored included:
Photo 1: more than 30 members of the Sheriff's Office who responded to the active shooter at the Montage last November., including 19 Bronze Star recipients, one Sheriff's Star recipient, and 13 recipients of Certificates of Commendation
Photo 2: The Sheriff's Medal of Valor was presented to Deputy Paul Hubbell who saved a suspect from a burning vehicle surrounded by downed, active, powerlines in January 2018
Photo 3: The Sheriff's Bronze Star was presented to Deputy Ron Harvey for talking down a suicidal 10-year-old boy in December 0f 2017
Photo 4: The Sheriff's Bronze Star was presented Deputy Peter Sewell who was off-duty when he came to the aid of a road-rage victim in February 2018. The victim stated that he felt his life was saved by Deputy Sewell's intervention
Photo 5: The Sheriff's Star was presented to Deputies Sita Singh and Gary Martin for their roles as hostage negotiators during a dangerous standoff in Wadsworth in February 2018
Photo 6 and 7: Three deputies, Anne Christensen, Paul Hubbell, and Timothy Braginton received Lifesaving Awards for two separate incidents in which they used their training with Narcan to help revive drug overdose victims earlier this year
Photo 7: A lifesaving award was also presented to Deputy Robert Reaves for saving the life of a choking inmate in February 2018
Photo 8: Complete list of this year's awards recipients

The Washoe County Sheriff's Office is dedicated to preserving a safe and secure community with professionalism, respect, integrity and the highest commitment to equality. Sheriff Darin Balaam is the 27th person elected to serve as the Sheriff of Washoe County since the Office was created in 1861. The Washoe County Sheriff's Office strives to ensure public safety by building trust and creating partnerships within the diverse communities in which we serve. We will promote the dignity of all people supported by our words and actions through open communication while fostering an environment of professionalism, integrity and mutual respect.