For Immediate Release
PR #: | 1400034 |
Date Issued: | Apr 24, 2014 - 9:07am |
Sheriff's Office increases Resident Deputies in Incline Village |
CONTACT: | Bob Harmon Washoe County Sheriff's Office Office 775-785-6235 Cell 775-722-5517 |
The Washoe County Sheriff's Office announced today that they are enhancing the Resident Deputy Program in Incline Village. After more than half a year of planning and preparation, two Washoe County Sheriff's Patrol Deputies and their families are now full-time residents of the community in which they serve, joining Deputy Paul Longshore who has been a resident Deputy in Incline for 15 years.
Undersheriff Tim Kuzanek said that he has been working towards rebuilding the Resident Deputy program since he was first appointed Undersheriff in early July of 2013.
"Having served in Incline Village during the mid-nineties, I understand the importance of providing Deputies who are fully invested in the community," Undersheriff Kuzanek said. "My personal experience taught me that when you work, play, shop and raise a family alongside the people you serve, you are able to provide better service."
"I have never forgotten that lesson. And I have never forgotten our commitment to the residents of Incline Village," Undersheriff Kuzanek said.
During the recent economic crisis, the Washoe County Sheriff's Office had to make difficult decisions that impacted all areas of operation. Even though 24 hours patrols were maintained in Incline Village and the Incline Village Substation remained open, the Office was not able to assign more than one Resident Deputy.
"At the time I was appointed Undersheriff the economic crisis was starting to ease and I felt it was important to start looking for the resources necessary to create a more robust resident deputy program in Incline," Undersheriff Kuzanek said. "Working in partnership with the community, we were successful. I'm very pleased to announce that, as of this month, we have two more Deputies, Noah Boyer and Cecil Courtney in residence in Incline Village."
Deputies Boyer and Courtney are enthusiastic about their new home. "The residents of Incline are very invested in their community, said deputy Cecil Courtney, "I'm excited to be a part of that. I'm looking forward to meeting with and serving the people who make this such a wonderful place to live and recreate."
In conjunction with reinstating resident Deputies, the Sheriff's Office is also in the process of upgrading the Incline Village Substation. After 50 years of non-stop operation, the substation is getting a well-deserved floor-to-ceiling make over. The Sheriff's Office is planning a public open house once the work is completed sometime later this summer.
Photo 1: Deputy Noah Boyer
Photo 2: Deputy Cecil Courtney
Photo 3: Deputy Paul Longshore

The Washoe County Sheriff's Office is dedicated to preserving a safe and secure community with professionalism, respect, integrity and the highest commitment to equality. Sheriff Darin Balaam is the 27th person elected to serve as the Sheriff of Washoe County since the Office was created in 1861. The Washoe County Sheriff's Office strives to ensure public safety by building trust and creating partnerships within the diverse communities in which we serve. We will promote the dignity of all people supported by our words and actions through open communication while fostering an environment of professionalism, integrity and mutual respect.