Sheriff's Office

For Immediate Release

PR #: 1100109
Date Issued: Sep 22, 2011 - 10:42am

Detectives Arrest a Man for Sexual Assault and Lewdness with a Child under the age of 14

CASE #: WC11-7528
WHEN: Booked on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 11:20 am
WHERE: Occurred in an undisclosed residence in Spanish Springs
VICTIM/S: One female under the age of 14
SUSPECTS: Monge, Phelan (pronounced: "Mon-gee Fay-lin") - 33 years old, Bk#11-16666, Sparks Resident
CONTACT: Sergeant Armando Avina -

The Washoe County Sheriff's Office Crimes against Children's Unit Detectives Division completed an investigation of a possible sexual assault of a female under the age of 14.

The victim reported that the lewd acts occurred prior to as well as on September 13, 2011. The investigation led to the possible suspect, Phelan Monge, a 33 year old Sparks resident (Bk 11-16666). Monge was subsequently identified, located, and interviewed by the Crimes against Children's Unit.

The Detectives concluded the investigation and placed Monge under arrest for two counts of Lewdness with a Child under 14 and two counts of Sexual Assault with a Victim under 14. Monge was booked into the Washoe County Sheriff's Office Detention Facility, where he is being held on $60,000 bail.


The Washoe County Sheriff's Office is dedicated to preserving a safe and secure community with professionalism, respect, integrity and the highest commitment to equality. Sheriff Darin Balaam is the 27th person elected to serve as the Sheriff of Washoe County since the Office was created in 1861. The Washoe County Sheriff's Office strives to ensure public safety by building trust and creating partnerships within the diverse communities in which we serve. We will promote the dignity of all people supported by our words and actions through open communication while fostering an environment of professionalism, integrity and mutual respect.
